Saturday, December 30, 2006

The rest of December 30

This is a Heiau, or native Hawaiian sacred site used for rituals. This specific one was for agriculture. The village people would prepare the rock pile by putting sand on the top and smoothing it out. They would also carve elaborate representations of the Gods. It was believed that gods would resided in the wooden during the ceremonies once the Kahuna called them, and then leave when the were cast off at the end of the ritual. Since this is an agricultural Heiau there were no human sacrifices, though many fruits and veggies lost their lives here.

These are the Pali Mountains that cross the southwestern-ish part of the island. I took this at an amazing look out that was a part of Kamehameha's battle to unite the islands. He fought a back and forth battle between the native on this the windward side of the island. Once he got the upper hand he drove them back to this spot on the mountains. Since losing in battle makes you a prime candidate for sacrifices the soldiers jumped.

And now I give you the Mormon Temple...
This is the "King" from the Polynesian Cultural Center during the Parade of Canoes. The Center was neat, but it seemed fake and touristy, especially when we found out that it was owned, not by locals but, by Brigham young University in Hawaii(not that this is at all bad). Oh well...

I still had fun at the Cultural Center, it just wasn't something they offer as part of their array of activities. A friend and i were talking to two native women in a shop about the class we are taking. All four of us decided that we should adopt Hawaiian names for the rest of the trip. Then the women started explaining that names here are picked based on the individual. After getting to know our personalities a bit, they named us!!! so I'm Pua Lilinoe, which means lily flower, because lilies are a hardy flower but also beautiful with a bold distinct smell [hardy because I'm a tomboy, beautiful is sort of self explanatory, and distinct because i know who i am at such a "young age"]. :))

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