Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sorry, I Know you missed me...

I'm sorry I sort of fell off the plant for a few days, its been busy. So to catch you up... this is my morning adventures on December 31. I have to go to class, but I will completely finish updating to night.
PS. they go back wards in order that I saw them sorry, I will work on that too.

This is one of the missionary homes for the stone church. The funny story behind these homes is they built them in New England. Then they dis-assembled the houses and shipped them around cape horn(i.e. the longest way possible) just to reassembled the houses here.

This (below) is stone church, the first missionary church on the islands. Its a Congregational church and was set up during the Second Great Awakening in the 1830's. On a less historical note its made completely of coral.

This is the Iolani Palace and the statue of Kamehameha, the first king of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He was only able to unite the island after Westerners, James Cook, arrival to this islands in 1777.

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